2023 Excellent Xuyou Enterprises Visit Seize | How to Become a Leading Brand in the Global Industry from scratch?

In the first half of 2023, enterprises were generally greatly affected, and the air compressor industry declined by an average of 20%. However, Seize energy-saving air compressor has achieved steady growth in this environment and has become a bright color in the depressed industry.

On September 12th, East China Xuyou Association organized outstanding Xuyou entrepreneurs to enter Seize Compressor (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. to explore the mystery of “how to achieve contrarian growth in Shanghai Seize in the first half of 2023”.

Visit Seize energy-saving air compressor


Under the leadership of Ms. Lu Ruying, deputy director of the Human Resources Administration Center, the entrepreneurs of Xuyou Club visited Seize Exhibition Hall and Intelligent Workshop, and Mr. Cheng Hongxing, general manager of Seize Energy-saving Air Compressor, accompanied Xuyou entrepreneurs to visit Seize.


Visit the exhibition hall


During the visit, the entrepreneurs and their party listened to Mr. Lu’s introduction on corporate culture, development process, honorary certificates, invention patents, etc., which witnessed the struggle of Seize energy-saving air compressor in the energy-saving air compressor industry.


Entrepreneurs highly praised Seize energy-saving air compressor for its continuous innovation in energy-saving technology and leading the exploration and practice of energy-saving and carbon reduction in the field of air compressors.


Visit the smart factory


Since its establishment, Seize energy-saving air compressor has been guided by scientific and technological innovation, and with scientific management and research and development, it produces high-efficiency, energy-saving and environmentally-friendly quality products. Up to now, Seize has sold more than 30,000 energy-saving air compressors around the world, saving users about 15 billion yuan in electricity bills and reducing carbon emissions for our planet by about 15 million tons.


Entrepreneurs and his party learned about the technological process of Seize energy-saving air compressor production line on the spot, and observed and experienced the high technology and intelligence of modern enterprises at close range. In particular, the clean and tidy workshop of Seize energy-saving air compressor and the excellent Seize culture made the entrepreneurs present full of praise and took photos again and again.


rap session

Mr. Cheng shared how starting a business from scratch became a leading brand in the global industry.


Starting with the development of the times and industry, Mr. Cheng shared the entrepreneurial process, years of management and team building experience with simple language.


Seize Energy-saving Air Compressor is a sentimental enterprise. Mr. Cheng has persisted in his ideals and feelings for more than 20 years, and with his own enterprise and team, the road has become wider and wider. At the same time, it is also an innovative enterprise, with technological innovation and thinking innovation; It is also a persistent enterprise, adhering to corporate culture and business philosophy, and attaching importance to product value and customer value.


As Mr. Cheng said, “Every method is born from the heart, it is beneficial to his heart, and it is always more difficult to follow the way.” Under the guidance of this concept, all the partners of Seize always put customers first, and made Seize achieve steady growth in the first half of 2023 with the spirit of champion.

Interactive exchange


Entrepreneurs present shared the business development of their respective enterprises, and had in-depth interaction around topics such as enterprise strategy, talent management, product introduction and development prospects. Everyone has said that Mr. Cheng’s sharing is practical and practical, and he should take the cultural concept, management concept and champion spirit of Seize energy-saving air compressor back for learning and upgrading.


The study tour of Xuyou Club not only deepened the communication between entrepreneurs, but also allowed more people to enter Seize and understand Seize, and accelerated the pace of thinking collision with outstanding people from all walks of life. Seize energy-saving air compressor welcomes more enterprises to visit and realize common progress and win-win cooperation.